Kitten fighting for its life after being stabbed and mutilated in horrific attack in Sussex Village

A woman was left distraught after her 17 week old kitten was mutilated in a shocking attack on Sunday.

Stephanie Wood, who lives in the village of Sedlescombe, near Battle in East Sussex, said: “Woody managed to get home at 10pm on Sunday. His tail had been chopped off, His paw was nearly sliced off and he had a very large deep gash in his stomach.

“He was rushed straight to the vet who told us his immediate life saving treatment would cots a minimum of £1,100, which includes surgery to amputate the remaining tail, stitch his stomach, give antibiotics and fluids, with further blood cultures and scans following at additional cost.

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“He is more than just a family cat. My six year old son is autistic and looks at Woody as a sensory kitten.


As as single mum of two I am not in a position to pull £1,100 out of nowhere. I have utilised my savings and credit cards to raise what I can to save Woody, but it’s just not enough.”

Stephanie set up an appeal and in a matter of hours 134 donors had raised £1,568 toward the £2.500 target of Woody’s full care and recovery costs, through the gofundme website. The figure currently stands at £3,695.

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Stephanie said: “During a check of him, vets noticed his stomach was worse than they first thought. The wound is larger and deeper than they realised.

“Because his tail had been cut off right near the bottom, close to his spinal cord, surgery carries a 50 percent risk of leaving him incontinent or paralysed. His left poor is said to look as if it had been burned by a naked flame.

“My poor baby was so happy to see us, even though he can’t move and is trembling constantly. He did manage to purr loud, which was some comfort to us.

“I cannot thank everyone who has donated enough. They are not only helping my kitten, but my six year old , who is absolutely lost without his best friend.”

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In an update on Monday night, Stephanie said: “Sussex Coast Vets have given confirmation to the police tonight of human mutilation.

“Woody’s wounds are without a doubt caused by a large sharp blade, his stomach muscles had been cut a lot further than I was aware of.

“I am in total shock that someone could be that disturbed to perform such a callous and barbaric act to a defenceless kitten.”

Stephanie said: “I went to see Woody The Warrior. He is very poorly. He is wearing a cat vest to help keep the wound covered and to cover the drainage system which is draining his stomach. He is on exceptionally strong pain relief, but he’s amazing us all as he’s being so strong and such a fighter!

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“Woody was in surgery for four hours. They did have to remove some vertebrae when amputating the remaining bit of tail. He has got a lot of fluid leaking from his stomach so he is on a drain, with fluid still leaking, his front paw was again worse than anyone realised and he had tendons/muscles exposed and has had to have two toes amputated because of this, There are some stitches that need putting in his muscles on his legs but that can’t be done yet as they will just fall out. He will remain hospitalised until the fluid has stopped, and then the vets will see what needs doing from there.

“The next few days are critical for our little fighter, and if he can walk again he will walk very funny and it is likely his balance will be very bad. It’s too early to tell if his walking, bladder or bowel has been affected, but hopefully over the next few days I’ll know for sure.

“I would like to thank everyone again for all of your kindness and generosity, I have been overwhelmed with how kind everyone has been, it’s left me totally speechless, thank you will never be enough, I am eternally grateful.”

Stephanie is also offering a reward for information which leads to the arrest of the person or persons who carried out the attack on Woody.

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Stephanie said: “I’d just like to say a huge thank you to every single person who donated. Without you, my fur baby probably would of have to have been put down.

I will leave the donations open and any surplus from Woody’s treatment/after care will be donated to Cat/Animal charities.

If you would like to donate visit and search for Save Woody the kitten.